
Political Instability, Intra-state Conflicts, And Threats To AfCFTA Agreement’s ‘Made In Africa’ Aspirations

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is arguably the African Union’s (AU) biggest project since the launch of the continent’s Agenda 2063 in January 2015. Launched in March 2018, the AfCFTA agreement connects 55 African economies and is the largest free trade area in the world in terms of country membership.

When the AfCFTA agreement was initially proposed at an AU summit in 2012, it had two goals: to build a Pan-African agenda in trade and cooperation, and secondly, to lift a large percentage of people out of poverty by instituting structural economic changes and cooperative legislation.

AfCFTA is understood to be a groundbreaking opportunity to both create an industrial revolution within and across Africa and opt out of the types of deals like the United State’s Africa Growth Opportunities Act (AGOA) that keep the continent at the bottom of global production, trade, and investments.

But little of this has yet been achieved. The rising number of conflicts, military coups, terrorism, ethnic violence, warlordism, and the presence of mercenaries on the continent is dimming the hopes of the trade renaissance expected to have “Made in Africa” goods dominate world markets.

Hindrances to these aspirations were manifest in 2022. Libya, South Sudan, the Central African Republic (CAR), northern Mozambique, Ethiopia, and Cameroon’s north-west and south-west regions were six African conflict hotbeds that year, against expectations that the continent would silence guns by 2020. In other circumstances, democratic backsliding continues, with insurgencies, insecurity, and weak governance leading to military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, Niger, and Gabon, further restricting the prospects of sustainable trade practices and the successful implementation of the AfCFTA. Alongside dire humanitarian costs, the absence of peace in Africa is disrupting economic activities.

According to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, in 2022, the number of Africans who were forcibly displaced by conflict stood at over 40 million people. An additional 3.2 million Africans have been displaced due to conflict over the past year. This is impacting Africa’s intra-trade potential.

Though it aims to provide broader and deeper economic integration across the continent as well as attract investment, boost trade, provide better jobs, reduce poverty, and increase shared prosperity, in 2022, intra-continental trade share in Africa stood at only 12 percent, compared to 47 percent in North America, 53 percent in Asia, and 69 percent in Europe. This makes Africa the only bloc with the least trade among its 55 members.

What others are doing

The EU is considered to be the most advanced model of regional economic integration. In facilitating smooth trade, the bloc identified three categories where barriers needed to be resolved: physical, technical, and fiscal.

In terms of physical barriers, the bloc acknowledges that border posts entail additional costs that pass on unnecessary delays. In the end, the countries streamlined their procedures to abolish border controls within the EU.

For other concerns about technical and fiscal barriers, what is certain for the EU bloc is that the headway made is far more comprehensive and satisfactory to member states. This explains why the EU is very actively pursuing its goal of gradual irreversible progress on a worldwide scale on how it engages other partners in trade initiatives like the EU, Chile, and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur). This has helped the group adopt positions in favor of having binding multilateral rules in relation to the facilitation of trade.

Defining trade in African terms

Dr. Levious Chiukira, an expert on trade and lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, thinks Africans need to redefine what they term trade and highlight at what level and capacity trade should be considered as such by African businesses and entrepreneurs. He fears Africa might be defining trade on the basis of blue-chip companies that might benefit alone from the AfCFTA, as it appears to be a platform to anchor white monopoly capital while substituting home industries or backyard start-ups, which contribute more to Africa’s economy.

We need a new discourse that redefines what we call African trade. We have allowed trade to be defined by some blue-chip companies. African trade has to be redefined because the bigger elements of our trade lie in what has been labelled informal trade, yet that is what constitutes small and medium enterprises (SMEs), cross-border trade, and backyard industries. We need to break the hegemonic definition of cross-border trade as if African trade is illegal. By calling our people informal traders, they are being illegalised and their trade is not being recognised,” said Dr. Chiukira.

Working on upgrading the border management systems
Zimbabwe’s revenue collection authority has invested in modern border equipment to plug loopholes necessitated by the evasion of formal tax collection systems in the movement of goods. Credit: Gibson Nyikadzino / Ubuntu Times

The World Bank (WB) estimates that small businesses represent 90% of all businesses and that Sub-Saharan Africa alone has 44 million SMEs. While acknowledging their importance, the WB confirms that small businesses, especially those in Africa, are poorly understood due to a lack of or fragmentation of data.

Dr. Chiukira sees infant industries or SMEs promotion in the framework of AfCFTA as only developing not on the basis of free trade policy but of understanding the needs of what facilitates African trade.

“Sustainable African trade has to be done in the precept of understanding what facilitates trade. We have failed to address the needs of the African people, and we have failed to understand the challenges of trading within Africa. Conflicts are hampering trade. In the end, human capital will not be functional as conflicts might trigger movement of refugees,” added Dr. Chiukira.

Deepening regional integration and cooperation

Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are central to the AfCFTA agreement’s implementation. However, in every REC, there are one or two cases of internal or intra-state conflicts. In the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Mozambique and the DR Congo are facing upheavals; in the East African Community (EAC), Kenya and Somalia are fighting Al-Shabaab terrorists; in the Economic Community of West African States and the Sahel, military coups, terrorism, and internal conflicts are key characteristics.

The AU and RECs have a common goal of achieving regional integration. However, little progress has been made, and one of the challenges and criticisms of the institutions’ efforts towards achieving the African integration agenda is poor coordination. Achievement or failure to achieve regional integration for the AfCFTA agenda is highly dependent on these supranational bodies.

Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa's President
Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa (left) shares a moment with South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa (right) after launching a joint Border Management Authority (BMA) at Beitbridge Border Post in October to prevent the illegal movement of goods, a key principle for AfCFTA. Credit: Gibson Nyikadzino / Ubuntu Times

Mr. John Bosco Kalisa, the chief executive officer (CEO) of the East Africa Business Council in Tanzania, believes that promoting deeper integration through regional economic communities is a starting point to ensure the success of the AfCFTA.

The failure to silence guns is a concern.

“Every region is grappling with conflicts; these conflicts are hindering the ability of individuals and firms to produce goods and services that are required to stimulate economic growth and prosperity that are aspired to under the AfCFTA. Our leaders need to make concerted efforts to silence the guns, as espoused by the AU, the agenda of an Africa we want.

“Our African economies have been for so long depending on global supply chains, especially on essential food stuff such as rice, wheat, barley, fertilisers and others. The current Russia-Ukraine conflict which we are not party to creates negative spillover effects. This serves as a wake-up call for policymakers to design appropriate policies to build resilience within their systems and RECs,” argues Mr. Kalisa.

So near yet so far

Indications enunciated in the Agenda 2063 and AfCFTA policy documents make Africa appear as if it is progressing. To be so close and yet so far implies that in the AfCFTA agenda, policy documents, plans, and coordination may reflect as if the continent is nearing its goals, but realistically, Africa is far apart in attitudes, emotions, understanding, or meaning of the goals it wants.

“We talk of the AfCFTA, but countries that experience unconstitutional changes of government through coups or other means are automatically suspended from participating in the AU bodies, including the AfCFTA. For instance, the AU and ECOWAS closed their airspace and borders to Niger after the July military coup. Conflict resolution and prevention are essential for creating a conducive environment for trade integration and development in Africa.

“The effects of conflict can have lasting consequences on the skills, capabilities, and opportunities of the current and future generations of Africans,” says Mr. Tanatsiwa Dambuza, an intra-African trade knowledge management expert for Development Dispatch and co-founder of the Zimbabwe Institute of African Integration.

The AfCFTA project is showing signs of difficulties for the AU, and soon, without good political commitment by leaders, it will be realised soon that a miss is as good as a mile.

Fish traders in Kenya’s lakeside city of Kisumu enjoy an economic boom amid Coronavirus

Kisumu, April 8 — At 7 am in the morning, fishermen are docking in their fishing boats on the Dunga Beach in Kisumu’s Lake Victoria shores in western Kenya. They bring ashore their night’s catch and fishmongers crowd around their boats, buying the catch from them.

Among the most popular fishes that the Lake is known for is the tilapia and the Nile Perch; the mongers scamper for them as they are well aware that they will not miss a buyer this time around.

A few weeks ago, this was not the case as there was a steady import of, especially the tilapia species, from China into the Kenyan market.  The import had negatively affected the trade in locally-sourced fish in the country as many people do not know the difference and had hence quit eating the fish altogether.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
Francisca Odhiambo bargains the fish before she buys from a fisherman in his boat at the Dunga Beach in Kisumu’s Lake Victoria. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

At the shores, Francisca Odhiambo, a 44-year-old mother of five is busy buying fish from the fishermen, then scaling and gutting them for sale to the traders who come to the shores to buy and transport the fish to different parts of the country.

From the first fisherman, Odhiambo buys a dozen fish, which she scales and guts, and after a few minutes, she sells them all off and awaits the next boat to dock.

“Now, the trade is better than before as people are now sure that there is no fish coming in from China after they heard that China is the place where the coronavirus broke out from. And even though the coronavirus scare has slowed down the consumption of the fish in hotels and restaurants in towns, many of the fish is going to homes as many people stay home and order that the fish be taken to them,” she says.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
A fish trader deep-fries fish for customers who come to buy at the beach on April 8, 2020. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

There had been concerns surrounding the import of fish from China, as it was hurting the trade of the fish in Kenya. During a meeting with small scale traders at Strathmore University in Nairobi in October 2018, Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta had promised to stop the fish imports, saying that the country could say “the Chinese fish was bad”. This prompted Beijing to take action, also promising to stop funding key projects in the country, including the standard gauge railway (SGR).

Nairobi then quickly backed down, allowing more of the Chinese fish to be imported and sold around the country.

The virus outbreak, that is stretching the world’s health apparatus has in a way proved to be a blessing in disguise for the Kenyan fish traders as their businesses now boom.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
Odhiambo scales and guts fish on the shores of Lake Victoria as she prepares them for sale. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

Fredrick Omondi, a resident of Kisumu says that now there is a sigh of relief as he is now able to eat fish without worrying about its quality and source.

“Born here on the shores of the Lake, we have always known no other staple food apart from fish. Fish is what defines us as the Luo tribe and for the past few years, we have had to worry about the fish we get, especially the ngege (tilapia). I wonder why our government would allow the Chinese to saturate our fish market when we have our own fish,” Omondi poses.

Aloice Ager, the director of Kisumu Governor’s press unit and the county government spokesperson expresses optimism that the local supply of fish in the county can feed the whole country without having to import fish.

“What had prompted the import of fish from China was the hyacinth that had clouded the Lake and suppressed the breeding of fish. But now, after the clean-up the riparian counties around the Lake are reporting catching of large numbers of fish,” Ager says.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
Francisca Odhiambo, a fishmonger at Dunga Beach at the shores of Lake Victoria selects fish inside a boat before she buys from a fisherman at the beach. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

The clean-up of the lake has created more opportunities for our people as more fishermen now want to go back to the Lake to fish since there is now plenty of fish. Lake Victoria is not only able to feed the East African market but the world market as we have enough fish. There is no need for fish from outside,” he continues to point out.

Back at the Beach, one can observe that there is minimal movement as compared to other times and even as many would attribute this to the advice by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO), Mary Achieng’, one of the fishmongers says that this has also been contributed by the trust that people now have.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
Benard Oluoch, a fish trader at Dunga Beach weighs fish for sale at the shores of Lake Victoria. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

“Initially, people would come to the lake to actually buy from us here and make sure that the fish we give them is the real fish that is gotten from the Lake. Now, they know there is no Chinese fish, so they will just comfortably buy from the market or have it delivered to their homes,” she says.

The coronavirus outbreak stops Chinese fish imports, as business booms for Kenyan fish traders.
Fishermen and fish traders crowd around a boat that just docked early morning bringing ashore the night’s catch. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

As for Odhiambo and her colleagues at Dunga Beach, their prayer is that things will remain this way so that they can be able to fend for their families even after the coronavirus is gone and things come back to normal.

“I just appeal to the government to stop the importation of Chinese fish. We have no other jobs and fully depend on this one. If the government is mindful enough of our future, it will stop the Chinese fish imports because we have enough fish to feed the country,” Odhiambo concludes.

Kenya suffers the effects of Coronavirus outbreak even without a single case reported.

Nairobi, March 11 — As the world scare from the coronavirus also known as the COVID-19 intensifies, many businesses across the world continue to register losses due to movement restrictions that have resulted in slow or no trade at all.

The virus that broke out from the Chinese city of Wuhan in December, and has so far killed more than 4,600 people across the world and infected close to 126,000 has been the recent pandemic that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency on January 30.

On March 11, the United Nations health agency declared the virus a global pandemic.

But as most Asian and European countries are reeling from deaths from the disease, a few countries in Africa have reported cases of infections. But even so, many of these countries are suffering the consequences of the travel restrictions that are being imposed by governments as a way to curb the spread of the virus.

Kenya is among the countries suffering an economic loss from this disease even though the country has not confirmed even a single case. In the past month or so, about 20 suspected cases of the virus have been tested and dismissed after being found to be negative.

The hospitality sector has been badly hit in the country and also the region, as hotels register low bookings. International conferences that would normally happen in Kenya have also been banned by the government, with the Ministry of Health saying that it is for the good of the people, and for reducing the chances for the virus to spread.

Coronavirus outbreak affecting the hospitality industry.
A view of the reception area at the Prideinn Hotel on Raphta Road in Nairobi’s Westlands area. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

On March 10, the Kenya Private Sector Alliance launched a report that examined the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Kenya’s economy.

“21% of Kenya’s total imports value is sourced from China while trade between African and China is 12%. In the first two months of 2020 Kenya’s imports from China declined by 36.6%. Similarly, exports to China have been affected due to reduced demand– these include Kenyan avocadoes, tea, coffee, and other products”, part of the report read.

The Cabinet Secretary, Mutahi Kagwe, however said that the government will allow one empty plan from Italy to land in Kenya to evacuate about 800 Italians who are stuck in the country.

His Zanzibar counterpart, Hamad Rashid on Friday banned Italian tourists from the east African island saying that the move was to control the spread of the outbreak.

Italy has been the second worst hit country outside of Asia, coming second after China in terms of recorded number of deaths.

The coastal town of Malindi in Kenya’s Kilifi County near Mombasa, the hub of tourism that normally registers full hotel bookings is also deserted. The town, normally referred to as the Kenyan Italy has seen a drop in hotel bookings as well.

“In 2018 alone, the Chinese spent USD 277 billion in international tourism, and in 2019, China predicted around 166 million outbound travelers. Therefore, when the Chinese are not traveling or restricted to travel, just assume during the first quarter of 2020, that means a loss of USD69 billion and might be increased more than we can imagine, hence the global tourism industry will suffer. As far as global tourism, the industry is concerned, when the Chinese do not travel”, says Hasnain Noorani, the Pride Inn Hotels Managing Director.

“While the ultimate outcome is unknown, it is clear the economic impact will be significant as China’s travel market to Africa and Kenya in particular is one of the fastest-growing, so the losses are expected to be much bigger than those from the 2003 SARS outbreak, moreover, the spread of the illness, and the fear that has come with it, has caused companies doing business in China to close offices and factories, and restrict travel to and from the country. Airlines and cruise ships have canceled flights and tours in the country”, Noorani added.

Apart from the tourism and hospitality industry, trade in Nairobi and other parts of the country has also been affected as many traders who normally get their stock from China now have a hard time getting the products they trade in delivered to them.

Traders feel the brunt of the coronavirus outbreak.
A trader selling jackets in Gikomba, Nairobi. Most of the secondhand clothes are imported from China and traders fear as no more supply is coming in. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

However, farmers have not also been left out. Last year in April, the Kenyan government signed an agreement with the Chinese government allowing Kenyan farmers to export avocados to China. After the halting of flights to China, farmers are now recording losses as they now lack a market for their produce.

Peter Kinuya, an avocado farmer in Kiambu County says that he has started experiencing losses as his fruits are no longer going for export.

“Up until December, we had a very steady demand for avocados and China was our best buyer since the government has assisted us to get market over there. Now, I don’t know what to do because I am a farmer, and I won’t say that I have another job to feed my family”, said the 52-year-old father of five.

Elsewhere in Nairobi’s Gikomba market, traders in second-hand clothes are also feeling the effects of the virus. Monica Mueni has just arrived in the market to check for her luggage. And even though she is able to get what she says is half of what she normally gets and goes to sell in Kitui, Eastern Kenya.

The streets will soon be short of China supply.
A view of the busy street at the Gikomba market in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

“My supplier has just told me that this was what was left from the last cargo ship in December and that no other ship has arrived with the luggage since”, Mueni says.

Tabitha Wambui, Mueni’s supplier says that things are not good as everyone is now feeling the heat and looking for ways to adapt.

Coronavirus outbreak affects supply of secondhand clothes.
Tabitha Wambui poses for a photo inside her shop in Nairobi’s Gikomba market on March 11, 2020. Credit: Dominic Kirui / Ubuntu Times

“As for me, I have no idea what to do because I had started this business after getting fired from my job. I have a family of three kids and two orphans and my parents are depending on me since I am the firstborn in the family”, says Wambui, a 38-year-old mother of three.

“All we do is ask God to lead the scientists to a cure for the viral disease”, Wambui concludes.

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