Ubuntu PhotoNews: Zimbabwe’s Vanishing Timber
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Timber merchants are making a killing selling timber obtained from Zimbabwe's fast vanishing timber plantations. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo / Ubuntu Times
Timber ready for sale, made from trees felled from few remaining timber plantations in Zimbabwe.
With rare or no electricity, Zimbabweans in urban areas have turned to using timber for their energy. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo / Ubuntu Times.
Some residents in Harare, the Zimbabwean capital are turning to wood fire using timber owing to non availability of electricity in some places in the city.
Timber loads have become a common feature on vehicles in towns and cities in Zimbabwe as people contend with power woes while some
ferry the timber for their carpentry ventures. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo / Ubuntu Times.
Motorists hard-bitten with power deficits in Zimbabwe have turned to timber which they load on their vehicles home for alternative cooking and heating energy source. 
Displayed unprocessed and processed timber have become common across towns and cities as entrepreneurs make money from felled trees that are hardly replaced. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo / Ubuntu Times
Timber placed on roadsides for sale by vendors in Harare.
Small pieces of timber lie on the ground after timber poachers recently descended on timber forests around Ashdon Park in Harare the Zimbabwean capital. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo / Ubuntu Times
Remnants of cut timber lie by the roadside at some place in Harare where trees were recently felled allegedly by timber poachers.